Abandoned Train station Enviornment

An environment that i made, Enjoy! :smiley:


That looks amazing!!! :smiley:

Thanks man! :smiley:

Stop taking photos from real locations and showing people them as ue4 scene…

Haha sorry! :o

Loving it!

Thank you Innos :slight_smile:

Very nice, beautiful work! =)

You’re hired. :inf:

Seriously REALLY REALLY nice work. I had to rub my eyes a few times cause i couldnt tell if it was in engine or you were taking photos lol.

Absolutely stunning.

Thanks JonF, loving your Sci-fi Hallways :slight_smile:

Haha wow, thank you! :o

Thanks arbopa! :slight_smile:

Haha awesome! :smiley:

Will you release your demo?

Been thinking about it :slight_smile:

Thank you! :slight_smile:

freaking awesome!

These are the environments I live for!
Amazing work!