Abandoned Mall - UE5

Hello All,

This is my first time posting here and wanted to try it out and show case one of my last projects I worked on in UE 5.4.

This is my Abandoned Mall project. The foliage and decals are from MegaScans but all the architectural models and their materials were made by me. I spent about 3-4 weeks on this project. I have only recently switched disciplines from animation to environment art and it has been a lot of fun but I need a lot of guidance too.

My current project, I am teaching myself Unreal’s PCG tools and hope to utilize those in my environments. If anyone has any videos, tutorials or resources they use, please let me know.

  • Brady
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Hi there @SirBrady,

Welcome to the Unreal Engine forums! So nice to see a new face around here :slight_smile:

This is so darn cool! The environment itself is gorgeous, especially the golden light. But there’s something so fascinating about modern buildings being taken over by nature. Really well made project for such a short amount of time spent developing it.

Beautifully done :smiley: Thank you for sharing and I hope we get to see more of your art around here!