A33 office in Budapest, HU

Hi there,

We’ve been playing around with the Unreal Engine 4 a bit for archviz purposes. I have to say, this software is just awesome!

We created our first project a couple months ago but we decided to publish it just now. This was our first major experience with the engine, that’s why there’s still some glitches in it. So we have still a lot to learn in the future :slight_smile:

We have made it available for download so you can explore it: http://www.nodevisual.com/a33-nodelive

Really hope you like it.


nice man!

how did u get this “halo” effect?

can u post your post prod box settings? (is it like “xoio” apartment?)

I’ve just played the demo here. Very nice! Great details, modelling and materials. And that’s a nice office btw, looks like a nice place to work!

Just two little things that would make it even better (IMO, of course):

  1. Reduce chromatic aberration a little bit. I like this effect because I think it really helps to improve depth and realism, but it must be very sutil (at the point you’ll just notice it if you look for it).
  2. Increase the FOV just a little bit (or add the option to change it). The actual value works great for pictures and movie, but for interactive visualization it makes me fell a little claustrophobic in that specific scenario :stuck_out_tongue:

extra tip: I don’t know if you guys have already played around with screen percentage… It’s a nice way to improve sharpness and reduce grainy SSR and aliasing. Give it a try if you didn’t already. (I like to use 150%).



For the halo effect we just played with Bloom until we got it right, but we made sure to crank up the bright content a bit first.

I don’t have access to my workstation right now, but we did no special things in the post processing volume. We tweaked some parameters (mainly brightness, contrast, saturation and color balance) and evaluated the result by eye - if we liked it or not. So we didn’t use up xoio’s settings. A lot of post processing related decisions were made by intuition and taste.


Thanks for trying it out as well as for you constructive comments!

In the very next project we made chromatic aberration less obvious - you pointed out right! The FOV was a hard decision to make: using wider field was great in terms of sensing the whole interior space but it added some aritifcal kinda feel to it that we didn’t really like. However, using lower value of FOV gave a more natural feel but we missed the periphery. Finally, we sticked with the latter solution :slight_smile:

I heard of screen percentage but haven’t implemented so far. I take it as a sign, and gonna deal with it in the future projects - thanks for the tip :slight_smile: