A way to get all actors, attached to "something"

I was wonder if its possible, and how to have several actors attached to some ‘dummy’ actors in the scene. And when needed have that ‘dummy’ actor - go through its ‘attachment’ (im not sure if children, is the proper word here) and set them to be visible or hidden in the scene, this to be done with BP or Code during runtime

For example - SomeActor1 and SomeActor2 are attached to ‘HolderActor’ and so how do i get object attached to him ?
Thanks for any assistance on the matter ^^

Those “someactors” are the children of the “holderActor”, you can refence to them inside your level blueprint, just click on the actor you want, go to the level blueprint, right mouse button and select the option: “create reference to ‘actor´sname’”

and using this referente you can get a lot of it´s properties

good luck

Thank you for the answer…but that will work when you “know what your scene will be”. The bigger problem is I’m making this for someone who doesn’t understand unreal or how to work with BP - all i know is that he wants to - group stuff together (like in the image) and when an event triggers I want all the actors attached to the “holder” to hide or show in the scene. So im supposed to think of something robust that will work without knowing how many “holder actors” there will be, or how many objects will be attached to them o.o . I tired to make them with “tags” so I look for “all actors with that” - but apparently putting a tag for each object that is supposed to hide is “too much work” :confused:

xD I figured out a solution, i dont know how efficient it is but I created a “ActorComponentClass” that is supposed to be added on the “holder” then inside it there is function that goes through all of its components and those that are meshes have their visibility turned off:

TArray<UActorComponent*> components = GetOwner( )->GetComponents( );
for( int i= 0 ; i < components.Num(); ++i )
	UStaticMeshComponent* comp = Cast<UStaticMeshComponent>( components[ i ] );

	if( comp )
		comp->SetVisibility( false , true );