I am thrilled to share a sneak peek into the making of our upcoming animation film, “A Stride Towards Freedom; February First.” This poignant film delves into the first week of the Greensboro Sit-ins, a pivotal moment in history that ignited the civil rights movement. As we commemorate the events that transpired on this very day in 1960, our team is passionate about bringing this powerful narrative to life through the magic of animation. A heartfelt thank you to my film professors at the University of Miami, whose guidance and mentorship have been invaluable throughout this journey. Their expertise and encouragement have propelled me forward, shaping the project into a compelling and authentic portrayal of history. I am also grateful for the support of the Triad Writers Group, whose collaborative spirit has enriched the storytelling process. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies, we are pushing the boundaries of animation. The film is being brought to life with the incredible Unreal Engine 5, adding a layer of realism and immersion to the visuals. Reallusion’s iClone 8 has been instrumental in creating lifelike character animations, while Rokoko’s motion capture technology adds a touch of authenticity to the characters’ movements. Eleven labs is contributing to the project with stellar voice overs, enhancing the overall cinematic experience. As we embark on this cinematic journey, I invite you to join me in commemorating the spirit of resilience and activism. Stay tuned for more updates and behind-the-scenes glimpses into the making of “A Stride Towards Freedom; February First.” Together, let’s celebrate the legacy of those who took that historic stride towards freedom, inspiring us to continue the fight for justice and equality.