A simple/good idea for a game

Well, I started learning Unreal Engine a couple of months ago, I have made around three games with the help of some YouTube tutorials, Now I think I can make a game on my own but the problem is there, I don’t have a project idea to start, I thought about making a football type of game but that’s is very hard for me now, So Can you help me with some beginner-friendly game ideas?

Hey @Sniper_Not_Exist

what about:

  • Pairs / Memory
  • Tic Tac Toe
  • Where is the ball
  • PacMan
  • Endless Runner
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I think you about to do it all starting from wrong end.

First think what you want to get from making that game, ie. indie dev and making real game that sells, making some game as portfolio project (so you can get hired in future), or making it to learn.

From your post i would suggest you make game that you can learn something new from.

So it should be small game (really small), and it should be done and finished in 100%.
L1z4rD89 suggestion was right on spot.

Google for retro games, pick one that is simple to create (no characters animations that maybe for next one)

some more retro games sugestions:

  • moon patrol
  • asteroids
  • lunar landere
  • space invaders
  • tetris (you can make it 3d now)
  • arcanoid

Point is to make new step and finish and publish finished game. So you know how to publish to steam, ios and android.

Doing gameplay that works is about 30-50% of whole code, then fixing bugs, polishing adding for eg. steam support that is like 80% of work for game when coding vertical slice is that 20%.

First, make a really small game, like Space Invaders, or Breakout, or Pong.
Make the game have a start menu, a high score, and extra lives, so you get through how to keep state within the game.

Second, make a slightly bigger game – here’s where something like an Endless Runner could work, or my favorite game example, Bomberman. (Which, as a bonus, has an obvious multi-player extension.)

Or try re-making your favorite 8-bit-console game – Mario, or Sonic, or Pokemon, or whatever.

Of course, it depends on what kind of games you want to know to make in the end. A visual novel is very different from a platformer, is very different from a first person shooter. You’re almost always going to need some UI, and some character animation, but many other things (level design, camera control, physics …) are very different depending on where you go.

What tutorials have you watched?

That way we can suggest game formats that will test and utilize what you’ve already learned.

What about a simple endless runner game? Will it be a good
the idea for my game?

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I can create a simple main menu, I have created a very basic parkour game
(with custom characters and animations) Tried to create a zombie game but
I stop working on that project And lastly a FPS game with custom animations
(no map)

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Okay, then create a small game that utilizes a save system. (Assuming you haven’t learned it already.)

Then it can be an FPS game with parkouring zombies, where you also implement an inventory system.