A Real Time Odyssey - a Tribute to 2001: A Space Odissey

I had the idea a long time ago that Space Odyssey and Blade Runner were philosophically connected movies. Now I was able to bring that idea to life, in my final project for the Unreal course in Núcleo Escuela. Lots of learning and lots of things to improve. It’s my first time with unreal and was an amazing experience.


Greetings @Abraham_Sapien !

Firstly, I must state that 2001: A Space Odyssey and Blade Runner are both on my movie watchlist and I’m almost ashamed to admit that I have never seen either movie. That being said, I must remark upon the incredible cinematography of your project!

Every shot was meaningful and purpose-driven. (Was the white room a sort of liminal space in time?) My favorite shot was of the table that dissolved into planet Earth. The shot of the space vehicle in alignment with the sun and the earth was epic! It’s bewildering that this project is the result of your first time using the Unreal Engine!

If you don’t mind explaining, and without any spoilers, in what way do you find A Space Odyssey and Blade Runner philosophically connected? Also, on what things would you like to improve on?

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Greetings @Abraham_Sapien; I hope you’re doing well! Thank you for sharing your elegant project, “A Real Time Odyssey,” with us here in the forums! Admittedly, I’ve only seen “2001: A Space Odyssey” once in my youth, and bits and pieces of Blade Runner, but the idea that these two movies could exist in the same timeline is intriguing to think about and definitely warrants a rewatch of those movies. With that said, I agree with @Get_DOVAH_it’s assessment of the cinematography present in your work. It is truly astounding, just like the overall creation itself, which makes it all the more impressive that this is your first time utilizing Unreal. Kudos again on the fantastic job done with this creation, and I hope we get to see more of your work in the future. :star_struck:

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Thanks for your comments. I’m really happy with the final result of this project.
The white room is a kind of waiting room where the starring character face its own humanity, and the Blade Runner monologue make reference to the same thing.

I hope to improve my houdini Unreal workflow and learn more about Metahuman and hope to make a Sci-fi short film soon.