So I have been rigging a character for the past day, painting weight on the left side only. Then when mirroring to right part I noticed there was an issue in the skeleton generated by A.R.T., the position of “index_03_r” is wrong, messing up my geometry, and I cnanot see any obvious reason for that.
So what I did is I unbind the skin on the right arm and hand, then delete the right arm joints and mirror the left arm joints, then re-bind and re-mirror skin weight. Everything is fine until I hit “Build Control Rig”, where the character get all messed up like this :
I know why it is happening but I don’t know how to solve it. basically, the mirrored joints do not have the same “Translate X-Y-Z” as the joints on the left side. For example, if the Translate of the left clavicle is “X 20, Y -1, Z 2”, then the Translate of the right clavicle should be “X-20, Y-1, Z 2”, but instead I have very different values between mirrored joints… It is fine as long as it is joints (they act as they are supposed to) but once the control rig is building, he automatically changes the Translate of mirrored joints to what they should really be and it mess the character.
How can I solve that ? I don’t want to restart painting the skin weights all over again, I have many other things to do …