I am trying to use Anim Rig Tool. my goal is to doing epic skeleton in my own mesh character.
i don’t have any knowledge in 3d software., so i am learning, read and watch some tutorial…
first no problem to use A.R.T it is a great Tool.
i can now create my squeleton and export in Unreal Engine 4 with proxy mesh i test it and it is ok for all my animation
My problem now it is to create with my own mesh character, No problem until i arrived in “deformation” section.
(cf picture the place where i have bloqued…)
I know that i must “paint my mesh” but i completely confused and bloqued to do this work !!!
is someone have got a tutorial with an exemple (for BEGINNER) to do paint the skin ???
THANK YOU very much for your help
And a special thanks to the auteur of this Great Tools !
select the joints you want to bind youre mesh to from the outliner, then select the mesh you want to bind and do a smooth bind. (all done through the maya interface not the art-tool interface)
Once youve done that you can use the art tool interface again to weight paint the influence of the bones.
(Look for a skinning in maya tutorial if youre still confused)
Something to keep in mind here is your target platform, when skinning meshes the max. bone influence per vertex is 8 für UE4 (you can define this in the smooth bind function in maya) but if you want better performance or your target platform is mobile 4 should be the max.
I can see you have the proxy mesh in your scene,when going from skeleton placement to deformation the art tool asks if you want to bind the proxy mesh, select no if you already have a custom mesh that you want to bind and the proxy mesh will go away.