A question about Physics Control!

I’m trying to use PhysicsControlDriver from ContentExample on a Chaos Vehicle and it’s behaving strangely, kind of jittery/lagy.

What can i do?

Disable collision?

Between Vehicle and PhysicsControlDriver?

Not sure, not 100% certain what’s really causing it but I’d start with ruling out any collision shenanigans. The driver’s skeletal mesh itself perhaps?

I tried putting the PhysicsControlDriver over the vehicle so it wouldn’t collide but the same result.

And from the PhysicsControlDriver I set all components to ignore the Vehicle. Same result

Are you on 5.3 / 5.4 or lower? This stuff is experimental - I found 5.4 more buggy than 5.3, for example.

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Out of sheer curiosity, does this flicker only manifest while you move? What if you just steer in place?