A piece of advice needed, MakeHuman - Maximo - Blender - UE4


I want to play around with a animated character in UE4, I will need A LOT of animations. I use Blender 3D for quick fixes, but I am attracted to huge animation library of Maximo
I like MakeHuman, because it provided awesome animation rig for blender 3d, so, the problems are what pipeline to choose.

  1. Maximo Char & Anim -> UE4, then I can import the character in Blender 3D and do quick fixes and custom animations. The problem is that I want to some custom animation rig, like MakeHuman provides, more convenient for animations set up in blender, which requires effort …

  2. MakeHuman Character -> Blender -> UE4. This is great for custom animations, but how can I edit Maximo Animations in BLender in this case, because it UE4 I would require retargeting

  3. UE4 default character (robot) - Maximo retargeting. In this case, same problem as in 2. how can I edit Maximo Animations in BLender in this case, because it UE4 I would require retargeting

Apart from that, Maximo has the best look of all 3 (Maximo, MakeHUman, UE4 default), so I am inclined toward 1., but animating bare skeleton in blender without advanced anim rig like in Make Human frightens me …