A New FPS Battle Royale Multiplayer Game!

Hi everyone, I’ve just started my journey on documenting the process of my FPS BattleRoyale MultiPlayer game!

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Looking Great so far. Curious, True First Person or Arms Only? I ask this because im also deving a FPS Multiplayer game and found Arms Only for First Person doubles the work and resources.

Hi TechLord, Thank you so much! :slight_smile:

It’s true first Person: In this devlog I’m showing the FP body :slight_smile: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzN-oVMcoC4&t=323s

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By true fps I’m referring to a TP Mesh, and a FP mesh consisting of fp arms and a fp body :slight_smile:

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Thats exactly what I mean by double work and resources. I use one body, camera mounted to head.

It will give you 10x work trying to make that (1 mesh) work with good fps animations :slight_smile: But it ofc. depends on what kind of game you’re making :slight_smile: If it’s an COD - Warzone Style there’s not really any other way to get it done if you want it to have the same look and vibe :slight_smile:

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Fair Enough if you’re going for COD vibe. To be honest, I’m not sure how Raven Software/Infinity Ward do their First Person setup. I am curious about it.

I’m using ‘good’ full body animations and doing something different with the camera. The idea is simple, move the camera where needed.