Hi everyone, I’ve just started my journey on documenting the process of my FPS BattleRoyale MultiPlayer game!
Looking Great so far. Curious, True First Person or Arms Only? I ask this because im also deving a FPS Multiplayer game and found Arms Only for First Person doubles the work and resources.
Hi TechLord, Thank you so much!
It’s true first Person: In this devlog I’m showing the FP body https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzN-oVMcoC4&t=323s
By true fps I’m referring to a TP Mesh, and a FP mesh consisting of fp arms and a fp body
It will give you 10x work trying to make that (1 mesh) work with good fps animations But it ofc. depends on what kind of game you’re making If it’s an COD - Warzone Style there’s not really any other way to get it done if you want it to have the same look and vibe
Fair Enough if you’re going for COD vibe. To be honest, I’m not sure how Raven Software/Infinity Ward do their First Person setup. I am curious about it.
I’m using ‘good’ full body animations and doing something different with the camera. The idea is simple, move the camera where needed.