A Mother's Wrath: A FuriousEleganceContest Submission by Emily Tworek

Title: A Mother’s Wrath

Video URL: https://youtu.be/GG9UHdEtKLY

Student Submission: No

Credits to sourced content:

Animal Characters: Animal Variety Pack by Protofactor Inc (Unreal permanent collection)

Additional Animations: Animalia - German Shepard by GiM (http://www.gim.studio/)

Environment: Stylized Nature Pack by Tiny Talisman Games

VFX: Blink and Dash VFX by pelengami

Screenshot of project in-editor:

A mother fox defends her cubs from a hungry wolf. This was my first time working with animal animations and mocap. It was fun to try different creative ways to combine the animal animations!

Engine version: 5.0

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