Hi, I have a little confusion about how I could to check the calculate Rotation.
I want to print when it reaches -180 degrees, but i don t understant how.
I tried this but it doesn’t work…
Does anyone know how I can solve this??
Hi, I have a little confusion about how I could to check the calculate Rotation.
I want to print when it reaches -180 degrees, but i don t understant how.
I tried this but it doesn’t work…
Does anyone know how I can solve this??
Two things:
One, the chance of Rotation exactly equaling -180 degrees is very small. You may want to consider using the “Nearly Equal” node and setting a tolerance.
Two, -180 degrees and 180 degrees represent the same rotation, but you’re only checking for -180… So, either you’ll want to use two Nearly Equal nodes (one for 180 and one for -180), or, better, you could pass Rotation through an ABS node and only check for 180 degrees. (ABS will effectively remove the negative sign).
Hope this helps
Thanks for the reply!
Something’s not working, does not print anything .
Isn’t there another way I can check when the character twists from 0 to 180 or 0 to -180?(maybe better between 160-180 in the end). But the rotation should always be from which direction the camera is directed.
Perhaps you should try printing the value of Rotation every tick, instead of just a “True” when it hits a specific threshold, and then you can see what is actually happening.
Nah, it’s too fast to tick exactly 180:( . Possibly with other components or I don’t know how it should turn out. Thanks for reply!