Hello everybody,
When I try to make a cook in Win64 of the game. I have 3 errors like this that generate a “Failure”.
This would be a JSON problem. In my project, JSON is only used to communicate with our remote database via HTTP requests.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): LogInit: Display: LogJson: Error: Json Value of type ‘Object’ used as a ‘String’.
The data base returns me from the JSON that I deserialize.
The error can come from any request. So, the first time I saw the error, I disabled all queries. Without success.
These requests have been present for more than 6 months and have not been modified since. This is the first time that there is an error related to the use of JSON in the project.
Have any of you ever encountered a similar problem or have research leads?
Thank you in advance for your help, which is precious to me. Good day to you