I copied the UE4 character Blue print.
I added a pawn sensing component. Just like in the tutorial video.
Removed everything from the blue print for weapons and such leaving health
and added a on see pawn/on hear pawn events resulting in AI move to
As i had made animation things that referensed the Ue4 Character blue print I found really quick I had to make a copy and remove several nodes, as when my character would equip a weapon the AL pawn would move into that position. (i just deleted everything that wasnt a run/walk animation from the tree)
Created a Nav boundry. Which is green (seems to be the primary trouble shooting question asked)
For the most part the Pawn would turn and face to it’s right then the screen would start print that move failed…
Far as I can tell I didnt change anything yet now this doesnt seem to even do this. The pawn just stands there.
I’m guessing there is a problem with the AI controller possessing the pawn?
And no idea why i didnt just move when the system WAS working only, changing facing.
Any ideas, or tips where I should look. Far as I can tell I followed the tutorials.
I dont know. That’s just what the Tutorial Did.
It was to make a simple AI for chasing the pawn. Way he said it in the tutorial I could do something like set the vector if a guard saw the pawn and was supposed to run to an alarm panel.
But if I just wanted it to run to the pawn, I could just directly connect that…
I tried several versions just now
getting player characters location and plugging into vector
making the target actor cast off on its own
I put several print strings in
on sense pawn - sees you
on cast - casting
after the move failed - move failed
After the AI move to the execute goes to - made it to the end
It prints: sees you, casting move failed, made it to the end
So I know the pawn is sensing. Casting. And the Node AI move to is being triggered.
There is a Nav Mesh.
But pawn will not move.
I didnt change anything that would have caused the facing to stop. And when I removed the Print string nodes, it stopped printing moved fail (even though that one is still on there)
I tried putting in the x,y,z of an object in the level thinking that pawn would walk over to it or face it. Didnt work.
AI controller doesnt have the right setting set up to move the pawn. Which I have no idea how to check
I did something to the mesh/skeleton that makes it unmovable
I’m going to first try to delete the blue print and repeat the process step by step.
After that if still not working indo have a 3rd person project. I’ll try it in that and see if it works. That’ll let me know if has something to do with game state.
Not sure if it would help, but I always drag from as Character “get actor location” and plug it into the destination on your Move to. Edit added: Also check to make sure your character movement in your enemy BP is not 0.
I tried the location thing before it didnt work. Loading the engine now to check speed. My character blueprint i copied has had a lot of edits/changes and I fear the problem is something i did to it. I might just have to create a New BP from scratch. Which would have probably been easier by now
Still doesnt work.
so it is something in the game mode, or something I set in the BP that doesnt work with the AI
I dont know much about how AI controllers work. Do I need to set it’s “key bindings” somewhere or anything?
As you can tell from photo the pawn will chase me in the 3rd person base build by just copying the character BP and adding pawn sensing and the nodes above.
After making some changes I had the 3rd person go out on me too…
so i loaded a new new project and went through the collision settings. Basically when i changed the settings for the mesh to not fall through the capsule when the node “simulate physics” was triggered i was using a preset that would cause the mesh and capsule to be in collision
In a post about some death , rather than animations a person had used simulate physics node. And that would cause them to fall through the capsule (and thus the floor) The solution was to move the preset to “ragdoll” I would do this then modify them by some custom things (camera blocking etc).
When I do this apparently i end up changing both the capsule and the mesh to object type PAWN. And one of the collisions was set to block pawn
So i have two objects stuck together, that are set to block each other.
Sigh…I figured it was something rather simple that I was changing without noticing what. it was all in that one object type
If moveto position y value is not correct, for example too high or too low than floor, moveto will fail. You could print the y value to see that.
Another reason, maybe the Root Motion Mode of character 's animation blueprint is Root Motion from Everything, change this to Root Motion From Montages Only.