A man named A.I.K. lives on an alien planet. Equipped with extraordinary abilities, he makes his way to the planet Earth. Once he arrives, he notices a group of gamers waiting for him. Their everyday life is determined by the fight in Verdansk, against the EA Empire and many enemies …
Hello together,
My name is Aykut Aydin. I hope you are all well. I am currently teaching myself Unreal Engine. Professionally I am a plastics engineer in the medical industry.
I have been interested in comics, manga, cartoons, anime since I was a little kid. I spent a lot of my life gaming and wanted to make an anime series for young and old at some point.
As a hobby, I set my mind to make this animation dream come true. In doing so, I have very high expectations of myself because I would like to eventually reach the level of my role model anime (OnePiece, Dragonball, Naruto, etc.). This endeavor is unfortunately never possible alone and I know that I was smiled at by many.
I have already been able to make the first milestones in Unreal. I have already built maps, created the first character and would go more and more into animations. I am still only an amateur compared to the Unreal experts. I have only started this year. In parallel I started a Youtube channel to show this story to the whole world.
The main language is German with 10 different subtitles (English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Italian and Turkish).
I won’t be embarrassed about any income and would like to declare it as a social project. All revenue generated by my channel through Youtube, Instagram etc will be donated to either world hunger relief or sustainable C02 projects.
If you are also a hobby Unreal Engine Artist and want to help me make the world a little better, let me know and just write me on Instagram. If there’s any way I can reward you or make commercials for you, I’ll do whatever it takes.
I hope I can find people here who feel the same way about showing a cool science fiction story to the world.
Become a part of the machine gang.
With kind regards