I’m trying to make a Final Fantasy styled RPG first, and I’m having trouble creating a grid and getting tiles put into it. I’m wondering if there is a good RPG framework on the asset store, or a good Text based tutorial so that I can create it myself. My biggest hurdle right now is just figuring things out and getting started. I really want to be able to create my game, but I’m having a lot of trouble finding documentation that is both step-by-step and isn’t a video.
Well, this is a pretty massive topic, and I don’t know of any text tutorial that will get you there. Would you be willing to break this down into smaller, bite sized chunks so that we can point you in a better direction?
As a place to start though: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/GettingStarted/index.html
I guess I’d start with the beginning, How do I make an array so that I can tile sprites onto it?
Understand up front that UE4 is only just now really getting into making the Engine workable for 2D games. Their Paper 2D system is still very, very new, and very experimental. 2D arrays are not directly supported through blueprints, so unless you are willing to get your hands dirty with C++, you are going to have to fake it. What I would do is to first create an Enum, and let this be your X coordinate. Then, create an array for each index of Y. Create a function that will iterate through each enum, (ForEach), and inside that loop, create another ForEach loop for the array and assign your tile to that element. There are significant problems with this method, such as handling larger images.
Another way would be to build your levels manually, use billboard objects on a plane, then assign your textures to the billboard.
Honestly though, I would not personally use UE4 for a 2D game at this point because it is really not 100% ready for it, and if you have no programming skills you are going to have some massive headaches. I am not saying that to discourage you, but one of the very first things you should look at when deciding to make a game is: Is this engine the right tool for this project?