A function that create button_device and set up

I want to create a function that creates a button_device, sets up a handler function, and returns that object.

However, the following function gives me a compile error.

CreateLoudButton(Name:string, Handler: widget_message->void):button_loud = 
    Button:button_loud = button_loud:
        DefaultText := StringToMessage(Name)
    return Button

What am I doing wrong?
Thank you.

This should work :

my_custom_handler := class:
    Callback: type{_(:widget_message) : void}


your_ui_class := class():

    CreateLoudButton(Name:string, Handler: widget_message->void):button_loud = 
        Button:button_loud = button_loud:
            DefaultText := StringToMessage(Name)

        CustomHandler := my_custom_handler{Callback := Handler}

        return Button

I use this kind of setup literally in all my files, don’t know if it’s the right way to go, but it should work!


Your code worked perfectly!! Thank you!!!

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