I’m trying to put together a “hand warmer” (full waterskin + chemicals = palette swapped water skin because I suck at art ) Looking at the BluePrint, there is a “Buff to give owner character” which seems like I should be able to put a hypothermia buff/hyperthermia debuff here, but it appears to have no effect at all inside the simulator. Is this not what this slot is for? It appears that armor uses a completely different slot for buffs when you are wearing the item (see the SCUBA gear). Is there a way to buff the player for just holding an item in their inventory?
Of course, the opposite of a hand warmer would be an ice pack (put a waterskin in the freezer = palette swapped water skin ) I have created a freezer structure (fridge mesh flipped on its back and squished/stretched to look like a freezer) with an inventory that can turn WaterskinCraftable into IcePack items (thankfully some other code somewhere else is responsible for detecting if the waterskin is full or not). The problem, then, is that when the IcePack thaws, it should turn into a full waterskin again. To do this, I set the IcePack to “spoil” to WaterskinRefill (based on the tap recipe to fill an empty skin). From there, I’m not at all certain what is happening. The alert at the top tells me I’ve lost an IcePack and gained 2x Waterskin. If I have the inventory open, I see a full waterskin in it for a second, then it turns empty. Is there a way to get a full waterskin back?
Finally, the graph is pretty nifty in terms of chaining things together, but I can’t for the life of me figure out how to come up with some sort of event that starts the whole thing. For instance, I think maybe if I could add an “on spoil, AddNewItem:WaterskinCraftable and Give To Inventory:Owner Inventory, then the return value is passed to AddItemDurability to add 100 points” but the thing is, if I right click the graph and search for spoil, I don’t see any kind of event, just things that set or get the spoiling item or the time to the next spoiling item, etc. Any ideas on what triggers any given thing in the graph? Is “Owner Inventory” going to be the person (or thing) holding the icepack?
“Buff to give owner character” is triggered upon using a consumable item, like food. I’m not sure there’s a way to add buffs to non-wearable items - unless you could check inventory and apply one periodically via graphs.
Not sure what causes the waterskin issue. Since the water content is implemented via durability, perhaps try checking all related options? There is a parameter called “new item durability” (or something similar) and it is normally set to 1 (basically an empty container), could that be the issue? Not really sure.
Curiouser and curiouser… I tried playing with that new item durability by making a child of WaterskinCraftable that the item spoils to instead of WaterskinRefill and unchecked the “prevent crafting at full durability” and tried setting override new item durability to -1 (like most other items), 100, and 1000 and all of them behave the same way.
This doesn’t appear to be limited to my mod, if I try to create new full waterskins (item ID 48 instead of 47) using GiveItemNum admin cheat, the cheated waterskins have this exact same behavior (except it only says added “1x Waterskin”). By creating these waterskins as well as the icepacks I can see that all of these appear to share the same durability. It looks like the final durability depends on how long the game has been running somehow. I think something somewhere is acting like the waterskins were filled at 0:0:00 and then subtracts all the water it should have leaked since then.
Maybe this is all an artifact of some weirdness in the UE4 simulator. I will try cooking the mod and playing it in the real game after work tonight.
Alright, it looks like Vanilla ARK exhibits the same behavior when I admincheat a full waterskin. I’m guessing there must be some sort of internal timestamp when you fill a water bottle normally that the server compares to the length of time the server has been running to decide how much water should be in there, and if you just directly spawn the waterbottle, that timestamp isn’t set or is set to 0 seconds or something.
Thanks a lot! It looks like those were the magic words, my waterskin works properly now. I’m a little surprised that their own waterskin doesn’t have this flag set.
Yeah, it’s strange that it works w/o that set, but your way didn’t want to. There shouldn’t have been any difference as far as the game is concerned, since the filled water container is an entirely separate item from an empty one.
Glad I could help.