a few animation questions from an animation noob

Im trying to plan out the animations for a mutliplayer game and I have a few questions.

1 - is there a limit to the number of animations that you can have per character before you notice a performance hit?
2 - Im working on a system where the player can learn skills. These skills would have different animations and unless you have that skill, the player doesnt need that animation. Do i need to load all these animations on the player by default or is there a way for me to load/unload these animations when the skill is being used?

Ive been looking through the documentation and havent found anything that covered this.

1- There isn’t any limit. AnimGraph uses States to load animations. You can have many, but I didnt see any game that has tons of animations anyway. It would just increase your file size. Oh and don’t put everything in one State. :stuck_out_tongue:
2- As answered above, Unreal does not “load” all animations, rather use State Machines to call them. So you can make a boolean check etc to be able to use that skill and animation at the same time. This part can’t be answered properly as everything depends on how you setup your ability system and how you change your States in your AnimGraph.