A couple questions (inventories, parenting, animations, skeletons).

Good night UE bros!

Looking for help regarding good practices for certain stuff and the best (less resource intensive, most flexible) ways to do some things. Always talking about using blueprints, not c++.

First of all, blueprint parenting. Should there be a “master” blueprint for items? With for example other parent “master” blueprints like “masterWeapon” or “masterConsummable” as children? I assume generic master blueprints for each item type are needed so that actions and behaviour are programmed in a generic way too.

Next question is: when having inventory mechanics, which is the “right” way to store the items a character has? I thought about an actor array and maybe “deactivating” the item and making it invisible, but I don’t find that solution good. Should there be a database? How that should be coded?

Now something about skeletons. When creating character models, is it always preferable to use the same skeleton?

About animations and the way they should be managed, I don’t fully understand how each resource works and how are they normally used together. I’m talking about animation blueprints (which I understand they group and unify all others but I don’t know if under certain circumstances there are more than one for one actor), state machines (whether or not should there be more than one also), blendspaces (how they fit in), and the physics assets.

I apologize for some of the questions being too generic or unespecific, asking something obvious; and if it’s wrong, for asking too much questions in a single post. Thanks in advance!