A couple of questions

Hi all,

Sorry for the noob questions :
I was wondering if it was possible to sell a plugin that contains a plugin that I bought but customized 100% for my project. My ambition is of course not to sell the work of another but an aspect of my plugin exists in the form of a plugin and I don’t want nor have the time to reinvent the wheel. Insofar as the purchased plugin will be tailor-made for my project, do I have the right to sell it ? uf the answer is “yes” am I supposed to give a commission to the author of the plugin I bought?

Is it possible to protect the code of a plugin so that a customer does not have fun giving it to his friends, or even trying to sell it without going through the marketplace?

Hi guitou80,

No it will still be someone else’s plugin. Also, you cannot have more than one plugin in a product (one of the Epic requisites).

The code in a plugin is Copyright to the author - Epic require you put a copyright notice on every single source file. This means your code is protected by Copyright.

Thanks RecourseDesign :wink:

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