A couple of blueprint editor suggestions

Overall, I love the blueprint editor. It’s clear a lot of time was invested into being able to quickly build out a graph, with things like the filter field having focus as you drag the paths to create new nodes, making it easy to find the next node to create. But I have encountered some things I’m not a total fan of,

First up, comment blocks. I definitely want people to use these, an undocumented blueprint is just as difficult, if not more difficult to read than undocumented code. The most annoying part about the comment blocks is that once you’ve created one you can’t create new nodes inside of it. It would be better if the right click menu for the comment block were isolated to just the header portion of the comment block and right clicking the body, brought up the new node creation context menu.

Consider turning the default properties tab on by default when you open a blueprint the first time. Although it does take up a lot of room, so I could see why you’d turn it off by default.

Consider placing a mini duplicate of the default property editor for the selected variable in the graph under the Details tab. Feels like wasted space most of the time and having a contextually sensitive editor there would be nice.

You’ll be pleased to know we already fixed the problem with right clicking inside a comment box!

In the next release we actually combine the Explorer and Variables tabs into a single ‘My Blueprint’ tab. That means Details is always visible (not tabbed with anything else).

Good suggestion about making it easier to edit the defaults of a variable.

That is good news James, thanks!