A central BP that autosaves everything

I have a BP called “Savior” that will be automatically spawned with the Game mode. It should be the centerpiece where even the Settings widget stores and recalls all the game settings, ideally every second. It should also store literally everything the player owns, from cash to score to unlockables etc.Is it convenient make a BP that has all the variables of everything that happens in the game synced to it and then push it to a SaveGame from there? I aim to do Autosave for every second.

Every second might be a bit much, as you’d first need to check if a save can be written and actually save the data within the specified time. I think it would be more practical to attempt auto-save immediately on relevant events, think of the moment a player enters an area, dies or has met another requirement that requires instant saving.
But back to the question, are you using the Savior plugin, or is Savior a class you made yourself? I got the Savior plugin but I haven’t used it yet besides making a mainmenu integration. I know that by default it already pulls some data from actors but many things have to be setup manually… don’t have more info on it right now.