A Boy and His Kite - Jun 11 & Jun 12

i have video driver crash during playing the demo in editor. i7-3770K 3.5GHz, 16 GB RAM, MSI 970 GTX, Win 8.1 x64

Works for me, had a hard crash because I ran out of RAM (I’m at 16GB) with all the assets loaded… but can’t say I wasn’t warned :wink:

Downloading the pre-built one now to see how well that runs by comparison.

Had a bluescreen during PIE… But only once…
I was surprised the project loaded very quickly and did not need to recompile a bazillion shaders :slight_smile:

Sadly, I wasn’t able to see the stream so I had no Idea that the Demo has been fully released.
But: thank you @ for your little video, it reminded me to check the thread again…(I did miss some “dumb” parts too…luckily that saved a few braincells phew /s)

The specs are fairly surprising for a tech demo, at least for me, I actually expected them to be a bit (or a lot) higher. Can’t wait to dig through the assets and see how things have been done.
This is going to be fairly interesting, especially with all the videos accompanying the kite demo and the new features.

Thank you Epic Games!

Thanks, really enjoying it. Lots too study, as well as many questions.

Hmm my launcher is stuck at ‘Syncing’ and wont commence downloading. I’ve switched to different DNS’s but no luck. other content still downloads.

Still not deleted my account! DO IT! Throw me out! I do not want to be part this pathetic show!

Just to show you how numb Epic Games is:
2 years old…v=ZMVz3oUCagw
My machine runs any of the latest games, but not the stand-alone Kite Demo.
Do not do marketing stunts like this Epic! What you show has nothing to do with what can be run on customer hardware! And it even looks worse than latest game open worlds and the Valley Benchmark.
Pathetic Zombie Freaks!

You will have to write a mail to – https://www.unrealengine/contact :wink:

That’s unfortunate. Check the hardware requirements. I doubt the Kite Demo was intended to be consumer-ready - it’s a super high end tech Demo.

Not sure I follow. How is this related to Kite Demo?

Can someone who has the demo working in Editor do me a favour? Im still downloading on my hot spot wireless connection (day 2), but there’s no way will work on my little system but never expected it too as Epic made clear before any release this was aimed at what Epic feels will me mainstream hardware in the short future, that was what it was made for.

But to make my life easier can one of you nice Chaps or Chapets make a short list for me of where the Terrain materials are located in file structure and all AI related stuff, then i can drill down to what i need to migrate to my project from the demo without taking me a week to find them.


It’s all sorted how it should be. Landscape material and all textures are in landscape sub-folder, AI is under AI, character and Blueprints if I am correct for the second one.

I finally got to play with the demo and it’s great. The performance is quite acceptable on my 970, running at around 40 fps with a few drops to 28fps at some points.
But it looks amazing and the wildlife is great as well. There a few issues like one deer decided to jump off a cliff, which I think shouldn’t happen, and a few meshes which are too high so you can look through them at certain angles, but since the demo was built for a cinematic this is fine :slight_smile:
It’s going to be fun to inspect everything ^^

PS: Ignore PolyPlant. His posts are mainly there to waste your attention and time. He wants attention, his other posts/threads all go into this direction. You are better off teaching a goldfish Origami :stuck_out_tongue: (too harsh?)

Dude, if you don’t wanna be part of this then just stop using UE4 and stop visiting forums also. Nobody is forcing you.

Sent the email. Hope they delete the account soon.

Remember, all you guys here, you will never make any bigger game with UE4 that is running any well performance-wise. You could as well switch engines if that is your plan.
UE4 is so poorly optimized compared to engines that power games on the AAA market, you can tell yourself your little UE4 world is made out of candy, but you will kiss the floor, unless you can go into the source code and optimize yourself, which I highly doubt looking at the audience here.

Look at 2:08 and see how petty UE4 is. To the other guy saying that the Kite-demo looks waayyyy better than this: Guy, where are your glasses?

Keep, ahem… ‘developing’ folks!


out of curiosity if you don’t want to be part of the community why don’t you just abandon the account?

as for that video you keep posting, it has very low poly rocks that have low res textures, the trees are quite low poly as well, the grass and bushes look fairly decent but then the textures on the ground are not as high res as the kite demo either, there is clearly no where near as much tessellation of anything and much lower polycounts, some of the LOD transitions are brutal in parts of it, all of that means it does not look as good as the kite demo.

as for the performance taking everything I just said into consideration, add the fact that UE4 is built for new gen(why people keep calling it next gen I have no idea) and then some of the features are new additions to the editor as well so obviously probably not perfectly optimized for performance plus the fact they were going for looks not performance as it’s not a game it’s a cinematic so you cannot compare it to the performance of games or the scene in that video so to me your argument kind of falls apart.

just my opinion:)

also they have made projects for the lower and mid range systems so why shouldn’t they make a project for higher end systems?


Where are your glasses? There’s basically zero lighting in the Unigine demo foliage, it’s just a bunch of flat cards you see abruptly fade in as the camera moves through the environment. Look at the Kite demo lighting, massive improvement. Foliage actually looks three-dimensional, has highlights, and casts shadows. The Unigine demo also has way lower resolution textures, and way less ground clutter that is also lower poly. If you honestly think the Unigine demo looks better, you’re blind.

Yes, we all hope they delete your account. Then again, we all know you’ll just be back here with a different alias if they do, spouting the same nonsense.

, do you expect this guy to be reasonable?
He has nothing to show from his side and lacks understanding as well as logic.
My guess is that he’s sadly more or less a troll, at least from what I’ve seen from him.

I just noticed the ToD system which is amazing (I thought there was no ToD, since I didn’t noticed the sun moving). Alongside all these useful assets…just wow…
Seriously, I haven’t regretted my choice to switch to UE4 a single second since I turned my back to CryEngine.
Epic keeps pushing the engine forward, provides us with such great works as well as providing a lot of learning material like the streams, and the community is amazing as well.

Yea really it is just unbelievable . Almost like in the british meaning. :smiley: And then all that available for free (or that small share on revenue).

His behaviour most certainly has other origins then the engine.

Just wanted to express my gratitude for the support this community receives, and the continual, substantial improvements we see. Epic is really changing the way developers work, and the sense of community is bar none. Being able to pick apart the techniques from AAA developers gives us such a deeper understanding of how to make something Unreal.

Thanks Epic!

I’m stunned how well this works on my meagre PC (i5 2500k - 8GB RAM - GTX670 2GB all oc’ed) on freecam anyway… the ‘Boy’ was a little spot/start. It’s without doubt the most convincing landscape I’ve ever seen running on PC (way beyond Unigine, nice though that is) I’ve also never enjoyed exploring a non gameplay level this much… it really is EPIC!

A shame a sad troll has to try and wreck things. I guess there is always one loser :mad:

Can’t wait to see where this tech takes us. And thanks for making it available for all to try… quite something really.