A Boy and His Kite - Jun 11 & Jun 12

If all you’re interested is the actual map/project, I’d be confused, but maybe I can understand =p

Otherwise almost any PC in the last few years should be enough to work with the assets.

If I remember correctly part of the open world demo was for Epic to push their engine to see what they needed to do to get large worlds going as well.

Just a quick question, whats with the Zombie fetish?

Well, I have 16 GB of RAM, and I still get Out Of Memory Error ;(

Epic Games Employee: Dark room, messy hair, Coke and chips, just celebrated 30th or 40th birthday, Mother next door with ‘worried’ expression on her face and a screen running the latest shrink-worthy FPS MMOFFRG Whatever Zombie Shooter.
Next day he will go to work to ‘head quarters’ and work on releasing a 8K high res project.
What? Overkill? No, it was running fine on his ‘enthusiast’ machine at home. Just need 32GB Ram and 64 Cores and 2 Titans.

Here is a new punchline for UE4:
**If you love something, then 16GB is not enough! **

They should really just delete the kite demo from youtube. It has nothing to do with what can be achieved on any normal machine the next years using UE4.
UE4 can not deliver what they show in the demo cinematic on up-to-date high end user machines. That simple!

If they didn’t release something that pushed hardware, you would be complaining about that saying they should be releasing something next gen

Where did you download it from ? I can’t find it!

Just need 32GB Ram and 64 Cores and 2 Titans.

Here is a new punchline for UE4:
**If you love something, then 16GB is not enough! **

They should really just delete the kite demo from youtube. It has nothing to do with what can be achieved on any normal machine the next years using UE4.
UE4 can not deliver what they show in the demo cinematic on up-to-date high end user machines. That simple!

Ignoring the rudeness, but you’re stretching things again.

How is any of the specs required not in the league of ‘up to date high end user machine’, it doesn’t need 2 Titans, a ridiculous CPU or that much RAM.
And I’d actually be surprised if you couldn’t get the demo to run and still look pretty good on much cheaper hardware.

I only have 8GB of RAM (mobo dieing, only one slot works T_T) and 2GB of VRAM and I’ve had no issues with anything so far, not to mention a 7 year old CPU that was mid tier when it came out.

Launcher - > Learn Tab, its called “A Boy and His Kite” and its under Engine Feature Samples.

They should really just delete the kite demo from youtube. It has nothing to do with what can be achieved on any normal machine the next years using UE4.

Meanwhile, in PolyPlant’s room:

22 gig download, 31 after install lol

I would say described himself as opposed to an epic employee, the epic employees would be out wining and dining in some hipster establishment not doing as he described

There we go.
Boy and his Kite.

Target spec:
6 core @3.3GHz (guessing Intel)
24 GB (Editor)
GTX 980

Min spec
4 core @2.8 GHZ
8GB RAM (editor)
GTX 680

Not bad =]

And a seperate smaller dl for the non editor version… not sure why some got their knickers in such a knot.

Dl’ing the small version now, and looking forward to seeing how my PC copes.

Me too :smiley: Im slightly below those minimums.

I assume the 24GB of RAM requirement is mostly because of the texture resolutions. If we down size them it wouldn’t even require near that much RAM. And 6 cores CPU and GTX 980 are also for maxing out the FPS. It will still run great with mid range PCs with a little optimization here and there. It’s a precious learning source great job Epic thanks. :slight_smile:

Haha time to fire up GIMP.

@ yeah I’m below minimums on everything but RAM, but I’m pretty excited to check out all the assets and mold them to my needs.

I’m hoping there’s some fairly clean base textures/materials in there that I can go to work on as well, I wish I had never seen the ‘coming soon’ tag on the Quixel Megascans page when UE4 came out.

Still got a fair while for the download but meh.

Just tried to open the standalone. Did not even care to dl the Editor version. The standalone itself black-screens my machine. I killed it after a few minutes waiting. My machine runs AC Unity which I worked on myself amongst others!

You guys are really not the brightest. First pick up all the Blender kids as a target audience with the nonsense for-free move, then release 8K stuff like this. Read it: N.o.b.o.d.y.W.i.l.l.B.e.A.b.l.e.T.o.R.u.n.T.h.e.8.K.V.e.r.s.i.o.n! Especially not your kids audience.
This is the dumbest thing I have ever seen. Everyone in the industry knows how thick they laid on with their overpowered nonsense. Do not show stuff that nobody is able to run. You just belong where you are.
Will have a good laugh about this idiotic stunt back at work. Thank god I do not have to tinker around in the indie market. It is just completely ridiculous.
Kite-Demo in 8K for users …

If anyone wants to play a Kite-Demo that was actually coded by people whose brains are not the size of a bean from playing FPS MMMROOORPGs whatever, then check out this:

I am done. If any mod please delete my account.

I think anymore discussion related to the hardware issue will lead into a not very happy ending since this has already gotten beyond voicing opinions. Let’s just not crush the party. :slight_smile:

Anyway I can change the location of the download? 22gb too much for my SSD.


Looks like the editor version might be finished downloading by the time I wake up, the runtime version is going a bit slower (Min 3 days, 20 days haha).