A Boy and His Kite - Jun 11 & Jun 12

If I remember correctly, someone did this with the original kite demo stuff, but we’re not allowed to redistribute the assets (or something like that) so it was pulled.

Stiiiiilllll publishing :slight_smile: It’s big

I would just love to buy more RAM for this, but now that DDR4 is out , I am not buying DDR3, and to upgrade to DDR4 is not affordable this month, also waiting for the 6th gen processors , so for me , few more months of patience :’(

I don’t suppose you have a rough estimate of the size?, just the demo pack was like 3GB or something:p

It’s not big unless it’s over 50GB…

I don’t care how big it is, I have a 4TB drive waiting, and unlimited data, as well as 80Mb down connection…
But it’s getting on for midnight here, and I’m so tired so I’ll be restarting the launcher one last time just in case, then going to sleep.

6GB :3

(Char limit)

Better get a few more guys/gals to jump up and down on it to make it fit.

Keep it. Not worth it. Only a few guys here can open your 8K high res stunt anyway, and they are only a tiny fraction of people who dev games.
Better create a ‘can not open kite demo’ section with q&a in advance.
Keep shooting zombies! You are better at that!

You could also just try copy and pasting the uasset files to another project and re-size them.
I really doubt I’ll be able to open the actual level (i5 750, 8GB RAM, HD 7850), but I sure will enjoy the assets.

I guess I just don’t understand how anyone can complain?

Gehh the wait is real, I’ve been opening the launcher every few minutes since the stream -_-
At least it’s not Megascans…

It’s 11:11EST (or was). How big is big? As in Toilet Plunger big?

I like free stuff too. Goats are cool.

It’s not necessarily about being able to run it, it’s a source of material for learning

Did it release?


Keep stuntin’, Epic.

is that louie anderson? Either way, I’m feeling kinda like that guy

Now they are uploading it since yesterday? :smiley: Well Im not with that crying stated above. But Im sure a section for ppl that do not understand why that demo doesn’t open is indeed due. lol :smiley:

This is just gorgeous! How amazing!

Well I love the idea that this is as big as it gets as far as hardcore nextGen goes.

If anything hardware/video card manufactures has something to do battle over as far as a “working” asset goes for bragging rights and benchmarks that they can’t cheat :smiley:


Driver: it looks like we are used by ABoyAndHisKite-WindowsNoEditor.exe…

  • Only load every 24th vertex
  • Skip all texture mips > 256x256
  • Load custom Landscape replacement code to hide anything thats further away then 256 units
  • asf, aso


wait is this released? if so, where do we find it?

get a a job, or a second one…? Guys, you will get rid of me as soon as I am off those crutches! Do not worry. I will take the very first train out of indie town! Will I be glad to work with proper stuff again, not this zombie shooter experiment. No wonder Epic was on its knees a few years ago. Releasing a demo that 99% of the users will not be able to run because they do not have ‘enthusiast’ machines at home. That makes so little sense, it actually explains a lot. You guys would really be better off just sitting down in front of your screens and berserk zombies or whatever! Shrink appointment included. Unreal tournament…

Can you not understand a guy complaining, who is tied to the house, on crutches and just wants to walk through scottish landscapes?