A bit of help making a selection menu? (using a combination of UMG and actors/meshes)

Hi! For an app I’m making I’m creating a character selection menu. I want it to look a bit like the app Crossy Road (look it up to get an idea of what I mean).

In essence, what I want to create is a menu that has all the characters placed, and you tap the character to select it. I’d like the character selected to scale up and/or rotate to indicate it has been selected.

I thought at first of just using images. Screenshots taken from the character that would scale up when selected. That’s the cheap and easy way out, but it doesn’t allow for rotation. The only way I can think of using rotation is by placing the actual actors, or the meshes, on the menu and having those be what you interact with.

The issue with using UMG is that it doesn’t really allow for me to place actors there.

Is there any way for me to do this? Other than me doing something like placing invisible buttons and placing meshes manually there?

Also, it would be great if I could use particle systems as well… Part of my app’s appeal is the use of trails for your character, it would be nice if you could see them live as well. Any way to do this?

Hi ,

Have you thought about making it with 3D widgets.

Make a small room, lock camera, enable mouse and bingo.

You can scale, rotate, all the buttons are there. You left different lightening like spot lights on the chosen character, particle effects, the Lot.

3D widgets? First I’ve ever heard of those O.O How do I make them?


100 percent

Also, while I was learning, video not great, before upgrade

Are you referring to this?

Hmmm… Having trouble coming up with how to make this. I want to have a silhouette for every locked character, and when you tap it a little menu will pop up asking me if you want to purchase the character and whatnot. I can take care of the menu part, but how could I make it so that based on your choice, something happens? How can I fire off events from a widget within the actor blueprint? Can I bind events anywhere somehow?

Nevermind, I think I got it :3
