6 digit security code error

how many times, have i told you people to remove the worthless 6 digit security code check that locks you out of your account and has the potential to cause you to lose your account. i dont want to access my email, so i can log into my account, that is so dam stupid, just give me the option to turn it off and if necesary which it isnt, give a second password to remember or use, like halifax the geniuses have done. you guys need to stop this 2nd check NOW. or i will lock YOU out of your accounts. done.

I highly disagree, With the existence of 2 Factor Authentication People STILL lose their accounts, Imagine if it was removed how much more rampant and easy account theft would be, If your main password is compromised then there’s a very high chance the “second password” would probably also be compromised.

Regardless, here’s how you disable 2FA. I highly recommend NOT DOING IT but you’re free to make your own choices https://www.epicgames.com/help/en-US/c-Category_EpicAccount/c-AccountSecurity/disable-two-factor-authentication-2fa-a000084639


if you highly disagree, than you are highly wrong, cause im highly right.

Tell me @araz01 If your password gets leaked either from your end or from someone else’s (maybe a service you’re using get’s hacked) unless you’re using secure different passwords for each service which most people don’t, What will prevent anyone from entering the account


first of all, why dont they just make a account, its free. secondly, why one earth will some one steal my password, that makes no sense.

Partially out of laziness. But you’d be surprised at far people are willing to take this

Because believe it or not; an Epic Games account is actually worth an fair bit money if one is looking for some free games

whatever pal, it keeps asking me for 6 digit verification everytime, 1 a year, sure, once every 6 month, sure, but everytime, im logging in and out? not cool pal, not cool.