6 axis movement

So, i’m working on a game where I need to be able to move the player around in space. I need full 6 axis control in local space (like in space engineers) and I was able to do this in Unity, but I’d rather use Unreal for other things. like how good it looks, and how easy it is to blueprint things, and other such things. I need to be able to create a new movement mode that will allow me to rotate freely in all three local axes, but I’m having a hell of a time figuring out how to actually do this in UE4. Any help?

Check out this project if you dont mind 100% physics in how the object operates.

I might have actually solved my problem. After I’ve tested it thoroughly, I’ll post my solution. I’ve run into an unrelated issue, so I’ll post that in a new thread later.

FIXED!!! Almost

Movement was easy, just use the correct vector for whichever axis you wish to move in, rotation’s a little more complicated.
local yaw: just as always, lead the input axis into the controller yaw input
Local Pitch: lead the axis into a make rotator for pitch, then lead that into an Add Local Rotation on the actor
Local Roll: Same as pitch really.

not quite fixed, not fully at least. Whenever you look past vertical, the actor does a 180, which is bad, any ideas on how to fix it?

I feel that there is a bug with the rotation handling in the vertical direction. and i need to find a way to remove the concept of “Up” in this game in order to make it actually work properly.

it’s still all wrong unfortunately, the yaw controll doesn’t work properly, it’s still set to world coordinents.

Alright, this is now solved!

First you need to go into the settings for the (self) object and unclick the “Use Controller Rotation yaw”

for roll: grab the input axis, then feed it into a make rotator that controls the roll, and feed that into an “Add Actor Local Rotation” node

do the same thing for yaw, and pitch, and you are good to go!