Draw Debug String on top of UI

I’m working on an explosive Actor that has a blast radius property that I am displaying in-game using the DrawDebugCircle() and DrawDebugString() functions from DrawDebugHelpers.h. My issue is that the debug string that is drawn always seems to be on top of my game’s UI, when it should be occluded by the UI. DrawDebugCircle() works like this already so I was wondering if there were some way to have DrawDebugString draw the text below the UI?

Hello Elad,

I was searching through https://issues.unrealengine.com/ to see if this has been reported. I didn’t find a matching bug report, but in UE-66081 it states “DrawDebugString looks to be the only fuction that writes to MyHUD”

This may be a clue in getting the behavior you’re after. Cheers!

(Fun fact: I entered that bug when I worked at Epic)

@Astrotronic is correct as DrawDebugString() does seem to draw text directly onto the PlayerController->MyHUD. Not sure exactly how this could be worked around though