50+ Vector Field Particle Pack [SUBMITTED]

Much thanks! I appreciate it! =)

Is the map showing all the effects by name like in the screens and video available when you get your pack in MarketPlace?

Yeah it is. I might of changed some of the names between video and release but I made sure to name them for reference. The name of the particle system should also match the displayed name.

New Comment and Rating system is up for this pack =)

50+ Vector Particles

how do i change the color of one particle system

Bought it with the $30 Epic gave us :slight_smile: Havent had a to try it yet, but I will hopefully use it on some dragon stuff.

Hi Caimartin

Here are the steps:

  1. You will need to open the particle system up inside of Cascade. I have chosen forcefield.
  2. Click on the Initial Color Module from the Emitter.
  3. Then look at your Details panel in the lower left hand of your Cascade
  4. Open up the “Start Color”, “Distribution”, & “Constant” dropdown menus
  5. You can manually input the color values in X, Y, Z ( R G B respectively)

  1. Alternatively you can click on the “Cascade” drop down and click on the color swatch in the “Module Editor Color” dropdown.
  2. This will open up the color picker so you can use the color wheel to find your specific color value.
  3. After finding your color value copy it over to the “X Y Z” in the earlier steps.

I hope this helps. Enjoy your gamedev!

Quick question:
How do I reset the settings on the whole etimeter?

Can you elaborate on the “etimeter”. I’m unsure of the meaning you are trying to apply. =)

Ops, I mean emitters :stuck_out_tongue: Like in this scene where Im using the Fumes example. If I want to reset the whole example to the default state.

Ah I see what you mean. Unfortunately, if you did not copy the particle before playing with the emitter values, you lose that info. A reset will bring you back to default ue4 settings instead of the pack defaults. You will need to re-add the pack to the project =)

I hope that answers your question.

Will keep that in mind, in the future :slight_smile: I havent got too long in the proccess, so no worries!
Thanks for developing this tool, so I can make my dragonfire come to life.

Haha great, post a pic when you get it!

how do i change the animation of like the froth so it just smoke up or look like it. do i need to edit in maya.

The animation of the froth is actually done by rotating the vector field. You can slow down the rotation for some variation. What your asking would be better done as a separate particle emitter added to the system emitting smoke rings, columns.


I bought your awesome plugin about a week ago and only yesterday i started playing around with it. But i encountered some problems and i need your help.You see my game is a paper2d project and i am having trouble understanding how to implement them in my game. Some of the particles render and appear on screen, others are invisible and in general those that render seem rather strange even if i rotate them towards my 2d plane.

Would you be kind enough to test them in the default paper2d example and explain to me how to properly use them in my game? Any tips and tricks for us 2d guys? :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance!

Thanks !

I honestly haven’t tried. I will check it out. =)

Hey !

I went ahead tried doing the Paper2d. By default, the vector field particles only show up when they cross the 2d plane so you end up with a slice of particles instead of the whole volume.

This is being handled by the “Projection Mode” found in the Camera Settings for the character blueprint camera component. The default setting is for Orthographic but you can change it to perspective projections. This will allow the full volume of the vector field particles to be drawn.

From what I’ve been told, Paper2d wants ortho and you should take that into consideration when building. Ortho doesn’t register any depth, just sorting. So 3d in ortho does some odd things. Once you’ve worked in ortho long enough you begin to expect them, but you usually have to design your assets specifically for ortho to get the right look.

I hope that helps!
have fun with your gamedev!

Thanks! Perspective is the way to go then.

Hi Steve, thanks for the purchase!

The first thing you should do is setup your map’s default bloom intensity with the post process volume. If afterwards you still want to change the bloom intensity, you can open cascade up and edit the color value to a lower number in the color module of the emitter!

That should get you going!