AI Technical Designer here. The new state tree UX in incredibly hard to follow and prioritizes the wrong information. Is there a way to revert to the old view?
- Looking at the “State View” it now shows all tasks on a state…I don’t need that information in that view. I can guess what tasks are on something by the name of the state. What I care about is seeing as many transitions as possible.
- When debugging it lights up the States view but NOT the outliner. But I can see less states in a single window now making the debugger even harder to follow then before. The “flashing between states” I can watch with one eye are a great way to see what is going on while I’m playing. The timeline is great for deep debugging but SLOW to use and slows my iteration vs something like Behavior trees.
- states are limited to 8 deep!?
- still cannot visually see states changed when opening a linked tree the way you can with BTs
Features I was also hoping for:
- double click a linked tree to drill down.
- need a fast way to filter by transitions. Show/highlight all states that transition to another state.
- Need a transition that checks ENTER conditions as defined on another state. E.g. OnTick (Can Enter state FOO)? That way I’m not duplicating transition logic when all I really want to do is say: Will I be able to enter x state from 10 places in the graph.
- Comments on transitions.