5.5 First Person Rendering FOV with CameraManager (LYRA or GASP)

TLDR: How do I change the setting of the hidden camera being used by the camera Managers (GASP GameplayCamera or LyraCameraManager)

5.5 release the first person rendering which works great!

This works for any standard camera.

BUT with LYRA (LyraCameraManager) and GASP’s (GameplayCamera) I cannot get this to work.

If I change the character’s blueprint camera to enable First Person FOV it has no effect. I can only guess that these systems ignore the camera and create a new one on spawn… or somehow the Managers are overriding this setting. This is extra weird with lyra since it has a LyraCameraComponent which I guess sends the view info to some other camera.

With LYRA even if I Enable FirstPersonFieldOfView in the LyraCameraComponent construction script, it has no effect.

With GASP, i can tell the PlayerController to AutoManagherActiveCameraTarget (which goes and uses the camera on the CharacterBP)… but ultimately this bypassing the GameplayCamera.

I’ve tried finding all CameraComponents to then set the First Person Rendering FOV but I can’t find whatever camera these managers are secretly using.

I have the same issue. Any tips would be welcome.

hi @DoctorBrowne
@luan_hide did u find the solution? I have the same problem