after turning on raytracing (so i can use pathtracer), the material I use for the landscape showed up black.
Surprisingly, another “height map terrain” was not affected by this, despite using the same landscape material.
I received a message about “resizing virtual texture pools” in the project settings. This message no longer appears, but anything i changed there had no effect.
I made a test and applied the landscape material to another object (static mesh of a character) and all materials work. Only the landscape material shows up black. BUT it does not appear black in the object settings window.
Funny: on groom hair the reflections of the sky appear weird.
= witihin the mesh preview I cold apply my “broken” landscape material. In the scene, the character appeared black aswell!
within the viewport scene the landscape looks like that:
= landscape material seems to work because the bushes appear as they should. I can also “paint” as usual, the bushes change.
= this seems to be an effect of the black.
Can you track down what textures this material is using? I if you look at them in the content browser, I think you’ll find they’re black?
If you right click on them and choose ‘asset actions’ → reload asset ( I think it is ).
They seem all to appear as usual in toe content browser, but some have "VT"written for virtual texture on their icon…
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Ok, it’s not that then… 
( this ‘textures going black’ thing, is a common problem for me )
Just a guess: Try creating new landscape_layerinfos (Landscape Mode/ Paint/ Layers). At least it looks like a problem I’m encountering from time to time, not using raytracing though. But they are created for each level, so maybe that’s the reason it is still working on your second map.
I just deactivated “enable virtual texturing” within the landscape material instance, and the material is back. BUT darker than it was. The shadows seem to be worse overall.
When I zoom out, the landscape is brighter:
PLUS the groom still renders the sky in the hair xD like a maniac.
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