5.5.4 Hotfix Released

Hotfix 5.5.4 is coming your way - check out this latest version with over 80 new fixes and updates!

Please feel free to share feedback and discuss the current version in the release topic, Unreal Engine 5.5 Released.

If you experience a bug with the 5.5.4 Hotfix, please follow the How to Report a Bug guide to report it on the Bug Submission Form .

Issue Summary
UE-238765 Fixed crash on deletion of invalid reroute node. Fixed discarding of compiled data when running project in Standalone mode.
UE-237160 [Mutable] Crash when generating meshes with clothing or real-time morphs at runtime.
UE-237600 Fix crash in FRecastTileGenerator::AddReferencedObjects by removing invalid check in FNavigationElement::GetWeakUObject
UE-237602 Fix regression when creating area modifiers
UE-242423 [CrashReport][Crash] UnrealEditor-MetalRHI!FMetalRHICommandContext::RHICopyToStagingBuffer
UE-230203 [Mac] Deadlock in PerformBlockOnThread
UE-239344 GPU Crash from invalid SRV in CreateShaderResourceView due to integer underflow
UE-252285 Add iPhone16e to device profile
UE-248098 Crash when changing groom asset and groom asset is used in a scene
UE-243605 Ensure will fire when adjusting Grid Size node while attached to Static Mesh To Dynamic Mesh Element and Dynamic Mesh Transform nodes
UE-244422 UE 5.5.4 -Editor crashes when playing a Preset during Autosave
UE-243799 Playing a Haptic Soundwave will crash the editor (port to hotfix)
UE-247828 Bundled compute PSO compilation stalling tender thread
UE-192854 memory leak on iOS avfmediaplayer
UE-229744 Mesh Sampler doesn’t support dynamic tracking
UE-229697 EOS: Integrate 1.17.0 binaries to 5.5.x
UE-226924 [CrashReport][Crash] libvulkan_intel!7fb5ae400000 + ba805
UE-226913 Make sure dynamic computed offset for index and vertex buffers are 16 byte aligned
UE-224423 Water Flickering in Viewport
UE-230844 Launch on to an iOS device looks in the wrong .app file during the Run command with a Blueprint Project
UE-231703 Remote Control External Texture Controllers don’t work with Material Designer
UE-231593 Stealing is allowed across grids level and loops
UE-232178 UE 5.5: When loading a World Partition world from 5.4.x in the Editor, crash happens under UWorldPartition::Initialize() when any ULevelSequence::PostLoad() triggers FMovieSceneToolsModule::FixupDynamicBindingsEvent()
UE-232225 [PCG] Zero-element data items do not have their attributes initialized on readback from GPU
UE-228436 [CrashReport][Assert] UnrealEditor-D3D12RHI!FD3D12ResourceLocation::ReleaseResource() [Engine/Source/Runtime/D3D12RHI/Private/D3D12Resources.cpp:1392]
UE-232227 [PCG] Fix GPU attributes receiving non-unique IDs when computing data descriptions
UE-232141 Remote Control - Editor-Only warning is broken for packaged game restricted access
UE-231745 Changing a data asset structure reset the graph parameter
UE-239074 MacOS: Crash when changing focus from Editor to other apps and back.
UE-239037 Crash occurs when testing inheritance of editor created c++ class derived from parent in QAGame
UE-238938 [PCG] Crash Invalid usage of UActorEditorContextSubsystem in -game
UE-238934 PCGGraphExecutor is calling the GC in a World tick, which is asserting
UE-237625 GitHub 12738 : Fix openxr audio output to properly redirect to headset on PC
UE-237603 Crash in FNavigationDataHandler::UpdateNavOctreeParentChain due to FNavigationElement being released before reused
UE-237349 An Assert occurs when promoting a State Tree task Event Dispatcher to a parameter in a state tree
UE-239079 GPU Crash from invalid SRV in CreateShaderResourceView due to integer underflow
UE-236665 [CrashReport][Assert] UnrealEditor-Landscape!ULandscapeComponent::GetCombinationMaterial(FMaterialUpdateContext *,TArray<FWeightmapLayerAllocationInfo,TSizedDefaultAllocator<32> > const &,signed char,bool) [Engine/Source/Runtime/L…
UE-236702 Crash in packaged game when using Get Property Reference in StateTree
UE-250408 Server Build Target doesn’t compile if Remote Control Plugin is included
UE-234777 [PCG] GenerateOnLoad PartitionActors with unloaded Original volume failed ensure
UE-233997 Datasmith CAD - Linux - CAD files format import is broken
UE-235284 Translucency Volume are not correctly shadowed in 5.5 without Virtual Shadow Maps and are not light correctly by some lights
UE-234980 [CrashReport][Assert] UnrealEditor-RHI!FRHIResource::MarkForDelete() [Engine/Source/Runtime/RHI/Private/RHIResources.cpp:49]
UE-235102 Android Vulkan SM5 Lumen ray tracing does not function as expected
UE-235097 Update RADV version check in 5.5 release
UE-234058 Cannot open a folder named with non-ASCII characters in the content browser
UE-234037 White dotted lines in render do to sharpening only visible on mac
UE-234045 Keying Level Sequence Crashes Engine
UE-234641 Localized text for overridable functions missing in blueprint editor
UE-239315 MVVM - Circularly referenced Widget Blueprints via CreateWidget node with MVVM bindings will crash when loading
UE-239325 UdpMessaging on iOS is spamming the log
UE-239184 Android Keyboard is not working on Meta Quest
UE-239489 The module missing dialogue, the “Yes” option never work
UE-239793 Foot module unresolves leg connector regardless of running events
UE-239472 Wrong packed instance data in static mesh sampler with material override
UE-239647 [Interchange][FBX] Issue with asset name clashes after auto import
UE-241486 Building Geometry Stops UTickableWorldSubsystem Ticking
UE-239621 MRQ - Command Line render crashes with -RenderOffScreen and certain exec commands
UE-239292 OutdatedKnownStaticMeshDetected ensure with OnRep and NavigationSystem
UE-238896 FK/IK switch for arms and legs on the Epic-supported rig modules switches both arms/legs on a modular rig instead of just one
UE-238865 [PCG] CopyPoints produces different rotations in CPU and GPU mode
UE-238842 Crash when connecting Static Mesh Import in Cloth Dataflow Graph with certain Static Meshes
UE-238820 Regression - Nav mesh is not generated on BSP brushes after loading a map
UE-237568 Fix ZenLoader regression that now performs file existence check on disk for loose cooked files even in packaged builds
UE-237454 Fix PSO precaching misses
UE-238930 Expose RayTracing ShaderBindingLayout creation function for plugins
UE-238817 Extrude and Bevel materials applied to the Text actor are being reset after restarting the Engine - UE 5.5.3
UE-238822 Navigation: Exiting game while async nav building tasks are running can cause null pointer access of OctreeController.NavOctree from worker thread
UE-232328 [Holdout] Doesn’t work on Mac anymore
UE-233850 Invalid Output Target in metadata operation is crashing
UE-233853 Integer attributes are crashing in Write To Niagara Data Channel node
UE-233889 File Media Source generates 404 error on opening video using Electra player on Unix filesystems
UE-248173 Memory corruption report on 5.5.3
UE-247785 Android Device Profiles missing entries for latest mobile GPUs
UE-247508 HoldoutComposite subsystem crash
UE-247337 Crash when changing collision preset to custom in PCG Graph
UE-241049 UE -5.5.3 - Motion Design - A shape with Mask(Target) alters the appearance of actor with Mask(Source) even after it is removed
UE-241351 Crash encountered at launch: Audio::FMixerSubmix::UpdateModulationSettings.
UE-241058 UE 5.5.4 - [MetaSounds] - Able to continue to preview SoundWaves after deleting the Audio Out node it was connected to
UE-220073 VR Preview window resolution doesn’t change when window is resized