5.5.3 Lighting Build Crash

Current Version 5.5.3 on M1 Mac

Build static lighting:

It exports the lighting data
Builds the lighting
Starts to import the lighting at about 24% the lighting build complete dialog comes up

Then the project crashes everytime.

Anyone else seeing this and is there a solution?

For over a year I have not been able to build static lighting on a Mac using v5+ (4.27 works fine). I had hoped that updated OS, updated xCode and updated Unreal might get me there. At least the lighting now builds rather than just saying it failed. Close but no cigar.

Hi there @Max20192011

Can you pull the crash log and post here along with your specs? Thanks!

M1 Mac 16GB Sequoia 15.3.1 - MacBook Pro

You will see at the bottom where it crashes with a memory address error. However we do NOT use any C code, this is currently all Blueprints.

Thanks for any advice on this issue.


Unlre 553 Crash Log.txt (146.6 KB)

Are you using Vulkan, by chance?