5.5.2 Hotfix Released

Hotfix 5.5.2 is now live! This latest update has over 130 different fixes - make sure to snag it!

Please feel free to share feedback and discuss the current version in the release topic, Unreal Engine 5.5 Released.

If you experience a bug with the 5.5.2 Hotfix, please follow the How to Report a Bug guide to report it on the Bug Submission Form .

Issue Summary
UE-228848 Crash in FPipelineFileCacheManager::RegisterPSOStats
UE-227647 [CrashReport][Assert] UnrealEditor-ControlRig!static bool ??R<lambda_2>@?L@??Execute_Internal@UFKControlRig@@UEAA_NAEBVFName@@@Z@QEBA_NPEAUFRigCurveElement@@@Z(struct FRigCurveElement *) [Engine/Plugins/Animation/ControlRig/Source…
UE-217931 Add Support for Archicad 28
UE-229154 [PCG] ensure firing with pcg.GraphMultithreading == 1
UE-229030 [PCG] Fix performance hitches in GPU data collection packing/unpacking
UE-228893 Modifiers applied multiple times
UE-228796 Incorrect hair shadow
UE-228822 //UE5/Release-5.5 - Build Engine Localization - LogLocTextHelper: Warning: Source/[…]/LevelEditorViewportToolbarSections.cpp(1561): Text conflict from LOCTEXT macro for namespace LevelEditorViewportToolbar
UE-228757 [PCG] GPU SM Spawner attribute validation is broken
UE-221995 Automation test errors in AvalancheProject Editor Win64 Test=UE.EditorAutomation(RunTest=Group_Avalanche)
UE-210616 Update Techsoft API to 2024.6
UE-201823 When adding the UIRenderer to the Movie Render Queue, the rendering output is a difference in PIE and MRQ.
UE-234115 Opening Landscape mode in a blank template project freezes the Editor
UE-231277 RBAN Debug draw is rendering in viewports where it hasnt before.
UE-231272 Enhanced input enabled with Common UI legacy depreciates all previous input data dables
UE-231285 Crash saving a Motion Design Scene with Mask modifier on an Actor without Mask component
UE-231263 [ASIS] Touch events does not works on full screen
UE-231221 Fix hair light leak due to incorrect voxel traversal
UE-231195 MegaLights doesn’t support lighting channels
UE-231385 World Partition - Missing Assets for Level Instances
UE-231369 //UE5/Main - Build DDC Win64 - File listed as RuntimeDependency in DatasmithCADWorker.target does not exist
UE-231281 Copy over fixes for override instance data duplication to 5.5 hotfix
UE-231295 [Interchange] fbx blender armature bone with transform is not import correctly
UE-231279 Camera transitions aren’t correctly taken into account with composite camera rigs
UE-231282 Interchange - Asset import - Morph and bone transform animation not merged
UE-231271 Plugins marked both experimental and beta will now appear as experimental in the plugin browser, even if they were beta in past releases
UE-231256 //UE5/Release-5.5 - UE.EditorAutomation(RunTest=Audio) Linux_ASan vulkan - AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free on address
UE-231771 Interchange - FBX import - Rigid body animation reimport broken
UE-231113 LumenShortRangeAOHardwareRayTracing needs raytracing SBT layout because it can be part of the material RTPSO
UE-231105 Motion Design Rundown Editor Crash when adding a page to a page view
UE-231058 Visualization of non-particle data is hidden randomly if the playback has data recorded after the last solver stage
UE-231024 Curve Editor minor grid lines do not render correctly
UE-231643 [Interchange] Time zero bind pose do not support multiple bind pose for the same bone
UE-231754 [Interchange - FBX] In 5.5 only material are imported
UE-231747 [Interchange] The Source Timeline animation range behavior is not doing the right thing
UE-231203 Inconsistent performance in level when playing out
UE-231756 Skeletal Editor - create new skeleton option fails to create new skeletal asset
UE-216512 Orthographic Cameras don’t support Aspect Ratio Axis Constraint
UE-215794 When closing the Mac Editor during a debugging session on XCode the User will hit a Crash
UE-219244 Motion Design - Restore of RC controlled value to default/template does not change the value in preview
UE-222783 Blueprint Templates on Windows always attempt to connect to the default IP when building Remotely for iOS
UE-225254 Grammar doesn’t properly deal with stochastic choices with repeatable tokens
UE-230183 Motion Design - Cloner grid constraint by texture is not considering Texture compare mode
UE-230180 Cloth Asset - Normal import on skeletal mesh and static mesh nodes are partially broken
UE-230029 Boolean modifier failing with spaced Text3D glyphs
UE-229894 LiveLinkHub users cannot enable Marketplace plugins
UE-229765 Animation loop indicator not drawing in the correct location
UE-230591 Batch Retarget dialog doesn’t show Animation Blueprints that use same skeleton as selected Source Skeletal Mesh
UE-230484 [PCG] Fix GPU CopyPoints overwriting attribute values when Attribute Inheritance is set to SourceFirst or TargetFirst
UE-230485 Sequence does not play back in reverse through the Sequencer Playlist
UE-230435 Sim Cache Writes for NDC Write DI do not work for GPU emitters
UE-230398 Nanite Meshes are broken in BigCity level in CitySample
UE-230629 CPU Lightmass no longer works as expected on Mac
UE-230599 OverrideSettings can still try to load objects on other threads
UE-230494 Interchange: Remove redundant keys option skip the first key.
UE-230469 Translucent sort priority is not incrementing value when in outliner mode
UE-230453 [Path tracer] Reference sky atmosphere has a different look than in 5.4
UE-230419 GitHub 12547 : Added support of the analysis-paths flag in integration with PVS-Studio
UE-230292 NDC Islands do not function correctly with reading systems placed in the level.
UE-229753 [Interchange] Bone name space are replace with underscore, legacy fbx rename with dash
UE-229764 MacOS 15 Sequoia and Xcode 16 Warnings building unreallightmass
UE-229541 Get Actor Data from input is not tracking dynamically if the input is an attribute set
UE-229540 Get PCG Component Data is duplicating data if there are multiple components on the actor
UE-229813 [PCG] GPU SM Spawner - After altering the seed and generating small % of instances are missing when using weighted spawning
UE-229796 SDI Video Input Freezes When Video Timecode Format is set to Auto
UE-229628 DMX - Blueprint Load DMX Librairies Synchronous node does not always return an array of DMX librairies available in the project
UE-229568 EOS: Mac does not support project binary mechanism
UE-229508 [PCG] GPU SM Spawner - some small percentage of instances missing when using weighted spawning
UE-229520 Boolean modifier tools intersection causes unwanted faces on target mesh
UE-229482 OCIO - Missing UE Emulation Option for Tone Curve Without Expand Gamut
UE-229191 [NavMesh] Fix Added an oversized dirty area warnings occuring even if using the disabled threshold value when using invokers.
UE-229189 Only register generated navlink proxies if bGenerateNavLinks is enabled.
UE-229488 Floating Properties: Properties are being displayed at the top-left of the viewport instead of being added to the main property stack
UE-229849 MegaLights alpha masking doesn’t work
UE-228246 [Wire
UE-228165 Remote Control DMX: Masked properties could generate an indistinguishable attribute name when created without signatures
UE-228068 PCG Node Errors not clearing when expected.
UE-228063 Generating PCG Graph with invalid generation task id into level fires ensure
UE-229090 MRG -Using Burn in node fails to output Media and returns Ensure error spam
UE-229028 [PCG] Fix attribute function captures breaking for nested functions
UE-228884 Circularly referenced blueprints cause stack overflow in a package game without IOStore
UE-228844 Interchange - Import - Build scale doubled in some generated LODs when Nanite enabled
UE-229476 Certain Array Constants are created with no pins, and attempting to add a pin causes an ensure
UE-229467 Chaos Visual Debugger shows the incorrect landscape tile if the world is loaded and unloaded rapidly
UE-229321 [PCG] Remove linebreak support from Custom HLSL node attribute function regex
UE-229285 Interchange - FBX import - Rigid body animation not imported with example
UE-229284 Add the new iPadMini7 profile
UE-229319 [PCG] GPU Spawner - some primitive component flags in mesh descriptor don’t work like CastShadow
UE-227638 [CrashReport][Assert] UnrealEditor-HairStrandsCore!ComputeBoneTransform(FNDIHairStrandsData const *) [Engine/Plugins/Runtime/HairStrands/Source/HairStrandsCore/Private/Niagara/NiagaraDataInterfaceHairStrands.cpp:939]
UE-227254 Random children selection ignores last state in the AI StateTree
UE-236964 Collision profiles are reset when blueprint is loaded
UE-239029 Foliage on Static Mesh disappears when added to Level Instance.
UE-230270 LiveLink OpenVR - input mapping set is incomplete
UE-229981 Installed Build command with console support fails with error
UE-229986 Deadlock between FMacApplication & FMacWindow when opening LyraGame
UE-229988 Nullptr exception when selecting a new Default Editor map in Project Settings on Mac
UE-230744 Interchange - FBX - Import - Animation - Animated time not working
UE-230445 Blend Stack: Blend profiles don’t work on bone containers that aren’t identical to the ref skeleton
UE-230404 GeneratePsyms fails with installed builds due to missing dymp_syms tool and incorrect path space handling
UE-230145 Preview Platforms are greyed out when using Vulkan on Windows with a AMD GPU
UE-230763 Modular Control Rig Content Fixes
UE-230734 Can’t compile version 5.5 if root is 49 chars - HierarchyTableBuiltinUncookedOnly
UE-230696 GitHub 12566 : Gpu skinning crash when precaching PSOs
UE-231278 Component Velocity is not reset
UE-230969 MRG subsample accumulation incorrectly frees accumulators before all spatial subsamples have finished
UE-231645 Fix deadlock between sk component and sk build or import
UE-231578 Adding a camera rig to a camera asset crashes if the asset doesn’t have a proxy table
UE-230982 Possible memory corruption in evaluation hook system
UE-230022 Effector linked to cloner are unlinked in rundown when playing level due to not being initialized
UE-230983 Outliner view items always get invalidated
UE-230860 [Interchange] Animation names from FBX files are different between legacy imports and interchange
UE-228717 GitHub 12453 : Fix min desired width getter for spinbox
UE-228515 Set Sekeltal Mesh does not update on Blueprint construction
UE-228301 [PCG] Large hitches trigged by component registration/AddGraph flow in property bag layout code
UE-228539 Subdivide segment seed attribute doesn’t work as expected
UE-228394 Importing groom from alembic doesn’t produce cache files
UE-228022 Merging a mix of additive and override layers yields unexpected results
UE-227911 LiveLinkHub assigns timecode source to a client regardless of if it’s enabled as timecode source
UE-227801 Remote Control DMX: In some cases generated fixture types end up having the same attribute twice
UE-227824 DMX: Fixture patches do not always increment their patch number when added from the add fixture patch menu
UE-229145 Mobile Depth of Field blurry eveywhere
UE-229096 MRQ -OCIO configuration is not applied on 8bit Media formats
UE-228761 [PCG] GPU - attributes with name set to None not supported
UE-228989 Rundown Server: Get Page Details is broken in packaged game
UE-228981 Editor crash occurs due to fatal error: …\VulkanRHI\Private\VulkanMemory.cpp] Unable to find alternate type for index 0, MemSize 1048576, MemPropTypeBits 27, MemPropertyFlags 7
UE-228842 Interchange - LOD import - Only LOD0 gets the import build settings
UE-228738 VR Template
UE-229353 [Mac] Android not being seen as Valid Platform and Will not Package
UE-231892 A crash occurs when a State Tree Parameter is set to a variable type also referenced in a STT
UE-232039 Preview Crashes on Metal when using SM6
UE-228677 Groom cache (guide/strands) don’t work correctly with TriangleStrip
UE-227835 DMX: Take recorder gets stuck in an ensureAlways recursion when starting to record fixture patches with identical names
UE-229701 Display window of EXR files not respecting camera overscan when rendering shot in MRQ
UE-229019 Text3D WrapAndScale not working properly with layout alignments
UE-228892 [For 5.5 Hotfix] Depth of field recombination breaks with certain settings
UE-230355 HLSL Point Processing node not generating expected data

Critical Issue - Updating to 5.5.2 causes Skeletal Mesh Asset Overrides to be lost

Our team is aware of a critical issue impacting existing overrides on Skeletal Mesh Assets when updating a project from 5.5.X to 5.5.2.

If an Actor within the Level Viewport has a Blueprint-added Skeletal Mesh Component where the Skeletal Mesh Asset has been overridden, the overridden value will be lost after the update. It will appear simply that the mesh on the Actor has changed after the update. This does not affect Actors that have natively added Skeletal Mesh Components, i.e. C++ classes like Character are not affected.

If a project has already been updated, the overridden values cannot be recovered. The overrides will either need to be set manually or fixed via a script or Blueprint Editor Utility.

Next steps:
To quickly address this critical issue, we are backing out code that fixed an issue causing Skeletal Meshes to not update on Blueprint construction. If you’re planning to update your project, we recommend holding off until the 5.5.3 Hotfix. This does not impact new projects created in 5.5.2.

ETA on the Hotfix:
Look for that update in a Hotfix in the coming days—apologies for any disruptions in the meantime.