5.4 Project Broken Engine Plugins But Not Really???

What’s up Unreal Forms? I got a zesty one for you today.

I have a project in 5.3. I then upgraded it to 5.4. When I try to run the project in the editor roughly 23 plugin blueprints won’t compile. The thing is none of them are project blueprints but blueprints relative to the ENGINE plugins. For instance one of them is Sun Position Calculator.

Aren’t those files relative to the engine? Why would they break?

So I create a new 5.4 project and open up like the Third Person Templet or whatever. I then proceed to add Sun Position Calulator. I restart and low and behold it runs without issue!

Like what? Shouldn’t engine plugins be consistent relative to the engine version of a project?

FURTHERMORE! In the upgraded project if I open the broken plugin BP 9/10 I can just right-click the broken function and refresh the node and it works fine! Any thoughts as to what is going on? Do I need to regenerate my plugins somehow? Are the plugins still pointing to the 5.3 versions somehow?

It could be helpful: Free Plugin: Refresh All Nodes - #28 by NachoMonkey2

If the plugins are part of the engine double check your project folder and check the plugins folder see if the plugins are actually in your project directory instead.