5.4 Modular Control Rig Character Prep

Hi Everyone,

I am struggling with the new 5.4 Modular Rigging sy stem. More specfically, I am strugglign with how best to prepare my character prior to bringing it in to unreal engine to rig. I’ve tried several approaches from Mixamo pre rigging, accurig rigging, Auto Rig Pro rigging… no rig at all… and no matter what I do the system is just not working for me (spine root is on the floor).

I’ve also tried bringing in the mesh with no rig, converting to skeletal rig, and doing it that way but still not working

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Not sure if you’ve already resolved this as it’s been a few days, but for me specifically just enabling the UE rigging tools and creating bones in engine helped. Specifically I used this tutorial for rigging How to Use the Skeletal Rig Editor in Unreal Engine 5.3 ! (youtube.com)
and after creating a modular control rig it seemed to pickup sockets just fine that is you add in a spine specify spine end bone and the other sockets appear automatically so you can just drag and drop.