Hello, when “animating” the metahuman IK/FK switch in 5.4 Sequencer, my metahuman arms pop when switching between the IK and FK. Is there a snap to Pose feature so I do not get any popping?
When testing the IK/FK on a single key frame the IK/Fk ‘will not’ show any issues.
However, when animating the IK/FK switch in Sequencer, the switch from IK to FK will reveal a pop. The pose for the FK is different from the pose of the IK.
May I ask, is there a feature similar to the HIK rig in Maya? In Maya’s HIK rig, when I switch between the IK and FK, the poses of the rig match, there is no popping of the poses seen when switch IK/FK, when animating.
In UE 5.4, is there a workflow that I need to use in Sequencer so the IK to FK switch does not pop when animating between poses? For example, how would I do a hand stand flip using IK/FK switch?