5.4 How do i stop the Spawned sound?

Hello, i know that its alread y5.4 so looking back on the same question i cant find the solution to this, as you see from this preview when i open the door the sound play and everything is fine, but the sound is the same length as the delay time for opening the door,but maybe i will just pass tru the door and will not open entirely why should the sound still be played till the end even if its not doing nothing? or if i change fast from open to close will play this sound multiple times, i mean looking at this, how to mplay thg sound whenever i step on the colision box but if i stop steping there its just stop playing?

Hello, you can play around with this:

Someone had the same issue as you, but I cannot remember where the thread with the answer is.

Honestly, I would personally use a LEVEL SEQUENCE to control the door and sound:

Good Luck!

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Thank you very much now i will only be using LEVEL SEQUENCE when possible less blueprints and lags etc, Just one thing about playing the sound in LEVEL SEQUENCE but in PLAY REVERSE is that the song doesnt play in reverse

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I was hoping it would.

Anyway, good luck!