5.4.4 - Blueprint widget button references will unset themselves when project is cooked or played in standalone

Hey yall,

I recently upgraded my 5.3 project to 5.4 and my blueprint widgets broke. I used Fiverr years ago and commissioned a programmer to create it who isn’t active anymore. Reason for the upgrade, my maps were all breaking due to the HLOD system.

The current problem is the button reference is unset whenever I: restart the editor, test in a standalone game, and when I cook the project.

I looked at the parent widget of “ContentSlot”, and it and all other blueprints aren’t throwing any errors or warnings. I’ve fixed up the redirectories and refreshed all nodes in each blueprint. Along with renaming variables, attempting to rename->dont save->rename for structs.

I’ve used the refresh all blueprints plugin, renamed and fixed up redirectories. I’ve attempted to debug via Visual Studios and Session Frontend tool.

GameLog_Version5-4_UI.log (285.9 KB)

For anyone that faces a similar issue. The fix was creating a setter and getter function in the parent class. For the child widgets, use the setter and getter functions in pre-construction. The secondary issue may have been an engine bug, a fix was checking if the widget existed, if not spawn it in and then use the setter and getter functions.

Essentially, the child blueprint was loading before the parent blueprint. I never figured out the root cause why the fixes would become undone, but thankfully that only affected the widget editor.