UE v5.3.2 from Epic Launcher
Hello, I am using material instances as brushes for my UMG widgets. When the editor is closed and the PC is shut down or reset, then the project is opened back up again the materials I set for the brushes are missing from the widgets. How can this be happening and what should I try to fix it or is this a bug in the engine?
Image of the widget that is missing the brush after I had set it the night before then shut down my computer and now it is missing:
Image of the parent material that I am using for the material instance for that brush:
Image of the material instance for that brush:
I have narrowed this down to when the PC is either reset or shut down, at least I think, that is when this is happening. Since I use this same method for all my widgets you can imagine how frustrating it is to have to go back and reset them all repeatedly.