Hey !
So I just upgraded from 5.2 to UE 5.3 and I’m noticing some pretty odd issues which seem to involve Instanced StaticMeshes.
For one thing, My instanced meshes no longer generated navmesh correctly. There are now large gaps in the navmesh between wall tiles for example. Visually the meshes are flush with one another, but the navmesh seems to think there is an opening of some kind… (see attached screenshot)
Furthermore, when I try to use the PIE feature, and choose to “stop simulating” my editor will hang indefinitely. I have been able to trace this to the main thread becoming stuck during garbage collection waiting for resources to be released on the render thread. It would appear that this involves the instanced meshes in my map.
Are instance meshes just no longer supported in 5.3?
I’m confused because I’m not doing anything particularly “weird” with them. They’re literally just a bunch of wall tiles that I’m generated to make more efficient levels.
The hang may not be related to the instances after all. It appears to happen when I have debug information rendering at the time I end the PIE session (debug lines, boxes, etc)