5.3 crashes when opening MHClightingpresets with this error

Assertion failed: MovieScene [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Plugins\Animation\AnimationData\Source\AnimationData\Private\AnimSequencerDataModel.cpp] [Line: 947] No Movie Scene found for SequencerDataModel

anyone else having this constant issue?

I am positive it has to do with my metahuman. I deleted the metahumans folder and then redownloaded and it seemed to fixed my issue.

Greetings @Elleclouds

I see that you were able to fix the issue? Did you have any additional problems with it after redownloading the metahumans folder?

Yes. 5.3 does not play well with older metahumans. I downloaded UE from source and building it now to see if this fixes the issues. Even having a folder of an old metahuman material in a session and attempting to open the level crashes the engine.

Oh, wow. I hadn’t saw that yet. I would recommend reporting that at Report a Bug - Unreal Engine if you get a spare moment. So, that our developers can look into it. I am glad to hear that you found a work around, at least! I’ll mark this as resolved.

It isnt solved. Downloading a new metahuman from bridge and dragging it into the level leads to this crash error everytime.

Assertion failed: WeightCount == InteroplationWeightCount [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\HairStrands\Source\HairStrandsCore\Private\GroomResources.cpp] [Line: 1466]

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I’m getting the same crash error, it’s crashing when more groom is loaded using path tracing. I don’t know how to fix it, I hope the official can solve this problem soon. groom works better with path tracing in UE, lumen can’t achieve the desired result.

So how are you working around this? Are you disabling alembic files and hair strands in plugins? That worked for me but my metahumans don’t have hair. I assume someone is using metahumans with 5.3 and I’d love to know how to fix this issue

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