5.3 Control Rig: Foot Roll set up?

Is there a way to create a foot, ball, toe, and heel roll system with Control Rig?

I looked at the Mannequin, Bungee man and Metahuman Control Rig examples in the market place. They are very hard to understand.

I’m hoping there is a way for users to create a foot roll.

Thank you.

Some control rig node are still a mystery to me, but in the meantime as an alternative you can use a rotation matrix to offset the transforms:
FootRoll_UE5_2.zip (8.9 MB)

Hope someone with more experience on CR is able to chime in.

That is interesting, is there a way to get the toes to stay on the ground when the heel is lifted?

It’s already done, just add this with a child of the ball control to animate the toe independently.:

All highlighted controls could be nulls since they are not to be interacted with:

I’ve had no issues working with this (so far).

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Believe me, you don’t want realistic feet at the point you have single toe control.
Its another additional 20 bones that are mostly useless - literally had to do this for a client not too long ago: it was pretty painful.
Whats worse is you can barely notice the toes moving in the final animations… felt like wasted time for the most part.

That said, control rig is getting kinda nifty. Considering baking animations is all that the engine is good for right now thats a good thing :stuck_out_tongue:

I love it. Just wish there was more info out there. Some nodes simply don’t work how you expect them to.

Thank you, pezzott1.
This is wonderful!!!

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