My vehicle doesn’t move unless I push it around. Getting in the car shows that inputs do in fact go through, as brake lights turn on and the wheels even steer, but the car just doesn’t move. I’ve already posted another question but at this point I’ve solved the initial issue. I just want this to work… I’ve been working on this for about a week now and I’m so close to just scrapping the feature.
I thought this was a built-in engine feature? Why deprecate the old vehicle system if the new one isn’t even going to work? I’ve tried everything I could possibly find on the forums and on Reddit and none of the answers I’ve found help with my issue. I’ve made sure the orientations of all the bones are correct, I’ve made sure the physics asset is set up properly, I’ve made sure the wheels are all set up and working, I’ve made sure the pawn is fully possessed and the Enhanced Input profile is activated. Everything else is working. But the car doesn’t drive, so what good is it as a car?
The wheel joints
The Wheel Setups
Mechanical Setups
The Wheels
My rover model can be found here. Please, if anybody could help me fix this, it’d be the greatest thing ever.