5.3 chaos destruction replication

I can’t get chaos destruction replication working. I want major chunks of debris to be the same on server and all clients… but it just doesn’t work.
It feels like the options are there but its not been implemented, has anyone else got this working … if so may you could share some pointers ??

I have replication turned on in the geometry collection.

I have turned on asyc physics tick, in the project options and at an actor level.

I have replicate Physics to an autonomous proxy enabled
Enable abandon after level ticked.
Abandoned collision profile name - DON’T KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS = custom
Replication Abandon after level = 8 (higher than the highest fracture level in the geom collection)
Replication Max Position and Velocity correction level also 8 (higher than the highest fracture level)

And yet if I destroy an object… the “chunks” fall in different places on the client and the server…

What am I doing wrong ?

i dont think physics replicate at all but try checking if component replicates on the mesh, this is off by default. the problem is this probably only replicates the base transform and not all the debris

But if the physics is replicated to autonomous proxy then surely the calculations are done there and replicated to the clients… if not then what does that setting mean ?

Try Unchecked Enable Abandon After level

I researched the problem and found a fix.
The solution is to wrap the GeometryCollection inside the Actor and enable “Replicate Movement”.

Also try changing the replication method with the console command p.bGeometryCollectionRepUseClusterVelocityMatch 0
By default in 5.3, the initial physics velocity at the time of object destruction is replicated and the client predicts the final position of the fragments.
This console command kind of returns replication to the 5.2 state, so the exact position of the fragments is replicated. But this should be tested.


Any fruitful results ?